In some of our larger Magento EE (Enterprise Edition) setups we have Multiple stores that have different domains. One of the challenges with stores on different domains is sharing sessions.
Aaron Ware
Use add_filter to add wrapper div around oembed for foundation flex-video
We’re starting to post more videos on our blog and we typically utilize Foundation as our responsive framework of choice.
From employee to freelancer to business owner
Here is a video of my session from WordCamp Providence 2013. I talk about my experience in the transition from sidework while I have a full time job. To being a full time freelance developer to growing the business and forming Linchpin
addLinks to top.links in Magento
We’re always creating custom Magento implementations for our clients and that typically starts with a local.xml file.
Useful Magento Base Path References
Here are some helpful Magento references and snippets we regularly use.
Useful Javascript Post Office Box Regex Pattern
We work with a variety of clients that have all customer of all sorts of demographics. I find that older clientele seem to try to “game” the system from time to time. A prime example is the one below. With the following regex check. I had to not only check for PO Box and all it’s various permutations. But I also needed to check to see if the user input[…]