Website and as an extension WordPress Security is a never ending journey. Here are my slides from a recent WordPress Rhode Island Meetup.
Boston WordPress Meetup: Submitting Your First Plugin
Does your plugin do something different? Are you ready to share it with the WordPress community at large? President Aaron Ware presents a step by step process of everything you need to know about submitting your first plugin to at the Boston WordPress Meetup this month!
WordPress RI Meetup: A Sneak Peek at Mesh – Multiple Content Sections
This past week we were honored to present our latest plugin to the WordPress Rhode Island Community! Efficient and unobtrusive, Mesh – Multiple Content Sections was designed to simply extend the functionality of the normal page editor within WordPress.
WordPress RI Meetup: A Workshop on Advanced Fields Custom Plugin
With their laptops in tow, attendees came ready to learn at last week’s WordPress RI Meetup with user experience consultant Vinay Raghu for a hands-on workshop of the Advanced Fields Custom Plugin.
WordPress RI Meetup: E-Commerce Roundtable
We had a great turnout last night at the monthly WordPress RI Meetup! By keeping it casual, I led a roundtable discussion about e-commerce, covering everything from various popular platforms to how to best engage current and new customers for optimal sales.
Everyone is a Project Manager…You Can Too!
A talk on the foundation of applied professional project management Thank You to all who attended our monthly WordPress Meetup last Tuesday! For anyone interested in topics on and surrounding WordPress we would love to have you: Join the WordPress PVD Meetup Group This talk was rescheduled from last month as December was pretty crazy for everyone, we had floods, we laughed, we cried, and now we’re back on track![…]